Lucinda Dykes started her career in a high-tech area of medicine, but left medicine to pursue her interests in technology and the Web. She has been writing code and developing Web sites since 1994, and also teaches and develops online courses — including the JavaScript courses for the International Webmasters Association/HTML Writers’ Guild at
Lucinda has authored, co-authored, edited, and been a contributing author to numerous computer books; the most recent include Dreamweaver MX 2004 Savvy (Sybex), XML for Dummies (3rd Edition, Wiley), Dreamweaver MX Fireworks MX Savvy(Sybex), XML Schemas (Sybex), and Mastering XHTML (Sybex). When she can manage to move herself away from her keyboard, other interests include holographic technologies, science fiction, and Bollywood movies.
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